58.1 – FIGURES, Fall 2019


“Antiquing in Vermont,” Anne Stone + Wayde Compton
“What Is a Body If Not,” John Elizabeth Stintzi
“The Patron Saint of Butchers is also the Patron Saint of Surgeons and Abortions,” Dessa Bayrock
“Small Talk,” Nicole Melanson
“Late Nights,” Hannah Green


“The Moment,” Stefani Nellen
“The Fourth Region of a Venn Diagram is the Unoccupied Region,” Tanis Franco
“The Half-Life of Swimming Lessons,” Traci Skuce
“Transformation Gag,” Maggie Burton
“I March in the Parade of Liberty but as Long as I Love You I’m Not Free,” Graeme Bezanson
“Our Lady of ‘Iolani,” Charity E. Yoro


“How do they use you?” Catherine Seton
“Decisive Action,” Liz Harmer
“Spoon,” Hege A. Jakobsen Lepri
“Plantation,” Geoff Anderson
“Dark Forest,” Jonathan Glenn Travelstead


“Hide & Seek,” Jennie Chantal Duguay
“during the service at st stephen’s episcopal church,” Amanda Merpaw
“A Respectful Letter to the Living,” Alysa Hullett
“I Swallow Creatures Whole,” lue boileau
“Attachment,” Jacob M. Appel
“The Women, Before and After,” Senaa Ahmad